I have some great news to share with you, that i think you will love! I have made arrangements with the Greenbrier Library to house the swap box!! it will be located in he magazine/ newspaper section of the library. Please be respectful of the library since they have been nice enough to do this for us. If you are in the western branch section of Chesapeake please visit the Russel library and browse through their coupons. I do not know who runs the Swap box out there but I hear it is very popular. If anyone is interested in learning more about how to coupon, or how to organize them please let me know and I would be happy to assist you.


This is how the swap box works. Every week or at your own convenience, you would bring in your extra clipped coupons in a clear zip-lock bag with an index card inside or attached to the outside with your name on it and place it in the box. If there are coupons in the box that you did not donate you can go through them and get what you need, Wright your name on the index card stating that you already went through them and put them back in the box. That way when you go back the next week you will know that you already went through them and don't have to do it again. All I ask is that you throw away any expired coupons that you find while rummaging through them. Just make sure you bring in a new zip-lock bag each week so they don't get mixed up.

If you don't feel like clipping them and don't have time but would like to donate the coupons anyways you can bring them in and place them neatly in the box and I will clip them for you. Or if you know anyone who doesn't use their coupons they can also leave them for us. I may not be able to get to the coupons to clip them more than once a month, so if anyone is feeling adventurous, I will have no qualms if you would like to clip them And put them in to the bag you just left, after you take out the ones you want of course.

Please take one of the business cards and check out other great online deals I have found.

Thank you and Happy Shopping!!

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